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Ethics Refresher
Ethics Refresher for Established Interpreters
The goal of the self-paced, online ethics refresher training modules is to provide existing court interpreters with a review of and expansion on foundational training in ethics and professional standards. The modules are expected to be 2 hours in length and will be developed to align with the Professional Standards and Ethics for California Court Interpreters developed by the Judicial Council of California Court Interpreters Program. Content areas will not only build on the currently available training curriculum to train newly credentialed interpreters but will also include advanced mock ethical scenarios that interpreters may encounter inside and outside of the courtroom. Content will also cover current aspects of court interpreter work that may have shifted or evolved in recent years as they pertain to ethics and professional conduct, such as working with remote technology and working with self-represented litigants.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
2 CIMCE Credits
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